Blog tagged as #DIYHeadExtraction

 Breaking the Cycle of Generational Blame! 

In a cozy kitchen where stories and aromas mingled, there lived a pot and a kettle. The pot, proud of its glossy surface, often boasted of its shine and utility. The kettle, older and wiser, with a few dents and a matte finish, listened quietly, knowing life in the kitchen was more than just ab...

19.12.23 04:32 AM - Comment(s)
It's A New Day
This is 50 and it's a new day. I'm learning to just be on a whole different level.
15.01.22 01:05 AM - Comment(s)
Epic Audio Fails
I did two interviews with Joshua and he in turn did one with me. Now we're collaborating to bring you a very special series on Ronin Radio.
29.07.20 12:38 PM - Comment(s)
Level Up w/ Daniel Chapman

It's been an interesting year to say the least. I don't think we've averted one single natural or civic disaster just in the first six months. Many people have been asking jokingly and/or philosophically what could possibly happen next. Many of my friends have been discussing the theory of a new Enl...

08.07.20 01:18 AM - Comment(s)